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Air Purifier Rebate

Air Purifier/HVAC Filter Rebates Available for Residents

Post Date: 09/14/2018
The City has established a rebate program to assist residents in buying certain indoor air purifiers and HVAC filters. Due to Paramount’s location near freeways, railways, and the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles, our area can be prone to the negative impact of diesel particulate matter. It was with this in mind that the new program was developed.

The rebates can be applied to the purchase of “True HEPA” air purifiers (which capture up to 99.97% of particles 0.3 microns or larger and can also filter detectible odors). These room-based units can cost between $150 and $250 and are easily available online and in department and hardware stores.

The program will reimburse up to $100 for the cost of one of these units.

Household HVAC filters effectively capture unhealthful air particles. To qualify for the rebate, they must have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 13 on a scale of 1 to 16. Their average cost is $50.

The program pays up to $50 for the purchase of these filters.

In order to take part, you must be a Paramount resident. A one-time rebate is available per household for either an air purifier unit or HVAC filter. An online application must be submitted with a copy of the receipt within 60 days of the purchase date. Further restrictions apply. Rebates will be issued on a first-come, first served basis until funding is exhausted.

To learn more, please call the Planning Division at (562) 220-2036.

Air Purifier/HVAC Filter Rebate Application Form

Air Purifier/HVAC Filter Rebate Submission

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