• Paramount City Weather Status 48.1° F

Homeless Outreach Services

Plan to Prevent and Combat Homelessness Created for City

In April of 2022, the Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn’s office awarded $30,000 to the City to update our Homeless Plan. Kingdom Causes of Bellflower was selected as the consultant to update the Plan due to their extensive knowledge and experience providing supportive services to individuals experiencing homelessness in Paramount.

City staff partnered with Kingdom Causes of Bellflower to conduct outreach and gather information from stakeholders to create a comprehensive Plan to Prevent and Service Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness. Part of these efforts included community input meetings and interviews with City staff, community stakeholders, and City Council.

Below is a link to our Plan to Prevent and Service Neighbors Experiencing Homelessness developed by Kingdom Causes of Bellflower. This Plan covers five years, 2023-2028. The Plan incorporates the feedback received during interviews and meetings and contains future goals and objectives that the Paramount community can implement to reduce the local homeless population.

The City of Paramount, working with the City of Bellflower and the non-profit organization PATH, has developed a “Plan to Prevent and Combat Homelessness” that outlines priorities in addr essing these issues in both cities. Funding from Measure H through the County Homeless Initiative has made the plan possible. The Paramount City Council reviewed a draft of this plan at its July 3 meeting and is scheduled to approve it on July 17. The plan reflects a collaborative process that involved meetings with residents and expert interviews among other forms of input. Goals include educating residents about homelessness, increasing awareness of the City’s efforts to address homelessness, increasing access to homeless services in Paramount, and preventing Paramount residents from becoming homeless. Suggested actions include: creating storage options for belongings of people experiencing homelessness and increasing accessibility to hygiene resources like showers, bathrooms and laundry services; promoting homeless services at City and County facilities like parks; funding motel vouchers; forming a Paramount Homeless Coalition that includes providers, interested residents, law enforcement, faith communities, and business owners; tracking vacant rental units and encouraging Paramount landlords to rent to people exiting homelessness; and identifying underutilized lots or buildings that could be turned into affordable housing.

One component of the public education outreach is advice on how best to approach a homeless person when attempting to assist them.

Click here to find a Citizen’s Guide to Engaging People Experiencing Homelessness

Homeless Outreach Program

In 2024, LAHSA’s Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count tallied 75,312 persons experiencing homelessness in Los Angeles County. Many people experiencing homelessness are living on the streets, in their vehicles, and in public spaces because there is a shortage of shelter beds. Across Los Angeles County, there is only 1 bed for every 4 homeless neighbors.

People cannot be arrested merely because they are experiencing homelessness. All of the public, including those who are experiencing homelessness, are allowed to use public spaces. Paramount’s Annual Homeless Count is conducted in order to target our limited homeless resources most effectively, and to determine what kinds of characteristics they have (e.g., veterans, women, mental illness, physically disabled, substance abuse, etc.).

The Public Safety Department, in partnership with the Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System (HOPICS), works daily to provide outreach services that offer the opportunity for homeless individuals to move off the streets and into permanent housing. Together we are reducing street homelessness in our community. You can join our efforts by contacting the following services below if you are concerned for your safety and/or the safety and well-being of individuals experiencing homelessness in your neighborhood.

  • Emergencies: 911
  • Lakewood Sheriff’s Station 24-hour Dispatch Line: (562)623-3500
  • Homeless Outreach Program Integrated Care System (HOPICS): (424) 403-5800
  • Coalition for Responsible Community Development: (213) 743-6193
  • 211 LA is a hub for residents looking for all types of health, human, and social services in Los Angeles County: 211
  • Public Safety Homeless Liaison: (562) 220-2002
  • Letter of Agency – Trespass on Private Property Filing: (562) 220-2002

I want to make an outreach request?

Did you see someone experiencing homelessness who needs help? Notice a homeless neighbor who seems to be struggling with their physical and/or mental health? Then you can help them by filling out an outreach request and alert us as to any specific concerns you may have regarding the person’s well-being. As outreach capacity is limited, requests for those with more serious medical and/or mental health needs may be prioritized.

For the Outreach Service Portal, click here.

City Homeless Census

The City of Paramount has annually contracted with City Net to organize and implement a homeless census to identify a baseline number of individuals living without housing since 2022. This effort aims to determine an essential baseline count of individuals experiencing homelessness, serving as a metric for evaluating all homelessness prevention and intervention initiatives undertaken by the City. In addition, the census data provides the demographic, assets, challenges, and other special characteristics of individuals without housing to inform resource allocation.

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