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City Yard | 15300 Downey Avenue, Paramount, CA 90723

(562) 220-2020

After business hours, non-emergency line:

(562) 220-2002



Monday through Thursday

8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday -


Public Works Department

The City of Paramount Public Works department is responsible for the ongoing maintenance programs for City streets, parks, buildings, equipment and water utility. The department maintains our City’s infrastructure and facilities through the following divisions:  Administration, Engineering, Facilities, Landscape, Roads, Sustainability, and Water.        

This division: 

  • Sets policies and standards for the upkeep, maintenance, and repair of all public infrastructure improvements and systems, including water production and delivery, road maintenance, park and building maintenance, vehicle and equipment maintenance, and contract management.
  • Prepares and monitors the department’s budget and performance stanards
  • Prepares special reports for City Council and the Public Works Commission
  • Provides long range public works planning through Capital Improvement Projects
  • Coordinates the department’s response to over 4,000 citizen requests each year.

The City engineer provides general technical and traffic engineering services to the City. They design and inspect the construction of Capital Improvement Projects. They are tasked with reviewing and approving plans for compliance with local and City code of laws and policies.  

This division maintains approximately 130,000 square feet of city owned building space by providing carpentry, electrical and plumbing services. These facilities include all structures at City Hall, Paramount Park, Progress Park, Spane Park, the City Yard, Firehouse Activity Center, Dills Park Orange Splash Zone, and All American Park. In addition to city facilities, they maintain all public pools, playgrounds, fountains and art pieces. This division assists the Recreation Department in set up and construction of items for special events. Our graffiti removal team is another integral part of the facilities division.

All trees, landscaping and irrigation on the 75 acres of City parks, facilities, public rights-of-way, medians and setbacks are maintained by our Landscape department through both in house staff and contractors. This includes the daily removal of trash and graffiti from our City Parks. Regular tree trimming of the 8,000 city owned trees is performed by a contractor wherein each street tree is trimmed every 3 years. Staff provides trimming in response to service requests received by the public. The division is also responsible for the maintenance of several public areas such as the Civic Center Plaza, Paramount Pond, the Downtown corridor and bus stops. They also install and replace the street banners to advertise City events.

This division maintains all 72 miles of City streets and public alleys, repairs curbs and sidewalks, paints street legends and curbs, and street signs. They are also responsible for inspecting work done in the public right-of-way, ie. replacement of driveway approaches. The division monitors several contracts including street sweeping, traffic signal maintenance, catch basin clean outs and cart retrieval services. Sewer maintenance is done by Los Angeles County Sanitation District, for more information contact (562) 908-4288 ext 2301.

With the adoption of the City’s first Climate Action Plan (CAP), the Sustainability Division’s goal is to use the CAP’d adopted strategies to create a more sustainable and climate adaptive community. The Sustainability Division will implement programs and acticities designed in alignment with the City’s sustainability goals. The Sustainability Division will work to integrate its objectives within the Public Works Department’s existing duties and standards for the upkeep, maintenance, and repair of all public infrastructure improvements and systems, including water production and delivery, road maintenance, park and building maintenance, and contract management. The Sustainability Dividion prepares reports to be presented at the City Council and Public Works Commission meetings. This Division will also oversee the implementaion of all environmental programs, including but not limited to those required by CalRecycle such as SB1383, AB1826, AB341, AB939, among others.

The City of Paramount is committed to providing clean, safe, quality drinking water at a reasonable cost to our customers. For more information: Water Division
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