• Paramount City Weather Status 54.4° F

Request for Service

City Hall | 16400 Colorado Avenue | Paramount, CA 90723

(562) 220-2010

For information on water rates, billing, and services please contact:

(562) 220-2010


Monday through Thursday

8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.


8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Water Division

The City of Paramount is committed to providing clean, safe, quality drinking water at a reasonable cost to our customers. Our water system provides water to approximately 98% of our residents in Paramount, while the other 2% are serviced by Golden State Water. Click here to view our service area map. For Paramount residents who are customers of Golden State Water Co., call 562-907-9200 for more information.

The 6,000 acre feet of water used annually by our customers comes from three water wells and two connections to Metropolitan Water District imported water sources. All drinking water is extensively regulated by state and federal agencies on a monthly, bi-monthly and annual basis to ensure that water served meets USEPA and California Department of Public Health drinking water standard.

The Water Department maintains 126 miles of water lines, 7,500 meter connections, 1,200 hydrants and 2,750 isolation valves that make up the City’s transmission and distribution system. The Department provides timely response to water main and service line leaks, and installs new service lines and connections, fire services, and hydrants.

For information on water rates, billing, and services please contact: (562) 220-2010 or visit Water Services

To request a service or report a problem about the water utility, please click here: General Service Request

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