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Meeting Agendas & Minutes

City Council Meeting Agendas & Minutes

The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., respectively. If you cannot make it to a Paramount City Council meeting but would like to share your thoughts during the Public Comments period, you can mail or drop off a written statement at City Hall or email it to the City before the night of the meeting. City Hall is located at 16400 Colorado Ave., Paramount, CA 90723. If you have any problems opening a file, please call (562) 220-2027 or send an email. City staff will reply within one business day. 

City Commission Meeting Agendas

The City has five Commissions, each made up of five members, to assist the City Council in reviewing matters of importance. These members are appointed by the City Council. Commissioners do not receive compensation for meetings they do not attend.


Check out the Commissions Calendar to find out when they are meeting next!

 Current Events

Current Events:
