City Hall
16400 Colorado Avenue | Paramount, CA 90723
- Boulevard of Heroes
- City Profile/History
- Community Development Block Grant
- Grants Planning Document
- Planning Department
- Measure Y at Work
- Event/Program Flyers
- Paramount Schools
- Paramount Education Partnership (PEP)
- Pride of Paramount
- Paramount Environment
- Public Art
- Pulse Beat
- Senior Services (old)
- Service Clubs
- Transit Services
- Volunteer
- Adaptive Recreation
- Facility Rentals
- Little Libraries
- Recreation Activities
- Senior Services (old)
- Sports (old)
- Star Program
- Summer Concert Series
- Aquatics (old)
- Mommy & Me and Daddy Too!
- Paramount Pathfinders
- Paramount Teen Leadership Alliance (PTLA)
- 1660 Adult Recreation Program
- Community Events
- Volunteering is Paramount (V.I.P)
- Youth Sport Leagues – Field Allocation
- WestCoast Rebels (WCR)
- Friday Night Paramount
- Special Events
- Summer Concert Series
Community Development Block Grant
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
(HUD) Grants
Each year, the City of Paramount receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD requires the City to prepare the Consolidated Plan every five years along with an Annual Action Plan in order to receive certain grant funds. The Consolidated Plan provides HUD with a comprehensive assessment of the City’s housing and community development needs and outlines the City’s priorities, objectives, and strategies for the investment of CDBG and HOME funds to address these needs over the next five years. The Annual Action Plan describes how the City plans to implement the Consolidated Plan Strategic Plan goals via the investment of annual allocations of CDBG and HOME funds from HUD. It identifies available resources, annual goals, projects and activities on an annual basis.
CDBG funds provide resources to improve the physical, economic, and social conditions in the community, principally to benefit low- and moderate-income residents. While spending priorities are determined at the local level, the program is primarily intended to provide affordable housing, establish and maintain a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents. HOME funds are intended to preserve existing affordable housing and to expand affordable housing options in the community.
The Planning Department is responsible for administering these funds, which are allocated to programs and services of the Planning Department, Public Safety Department, and Public Works Department.
Five-Year Consolidated Plan and Annual Action Plan
Contact Information
The following websites provide additional information about the CDBG and HOME program rules and regulations: