City Hall
16400 Colorado Avenue | Paramount, CA 90723
- Boulevard of Heroes
- City Profile/History
- Community Development Block Grant
- Grants Planning Document
- Planning Department
- Measure Y at Work
- Event/Program Flyers
- Paramount Schools
- Paramount Education Partnership (PEP)
- Pride of Paramount
- Paramount Environment
- Public Art
- Pulse Beat
- Senior Services (old)
- Service Clubs
- Transit Services
- Volunteer
- Adaptive Recreation
- Facility Rentals
- Little Libraries
- Recreation Activities
- Senior Services (old)
- Sports (old)
- Star Program
- Summer Concert Series
- Aquatics (old)
- Mommy & Me and Daddy Too!
- Paramount Pathfinders
- Paramount Teen Leadership Alliance (PTLA)
- 1660 Adult Recreation Program
- Community Events
- Volunteering is Paramount (V.I.P)
- Youth Sport Leagues – Field Allocation
- WestCoast Rebels (WCR)
- Friday Night Paramount
- Special Events
- Summer Concert Series
Federal HOME-ARP Funding
The City is receiving federal HOME-ARP funding to assist individuals or households who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, and other vulnerable populations to reduce homelessness and increase housing stability. The potential types of activities may include: acquisition and development of non-congregate shelter units, development and support of affordable rental housing, tenant-based rental assistance (TBRA), and provisions of supportive services. The City of Paramount prepared its HOME-ARP Allocation Plan. There was a 15-day public review of the draft plan and written comment period beginning Monday, January 30, 2023 through Tuesday, February 14, 2023.