City Hall
16400 Colorado Avenue | Paramount, CA 90723
Monday through Thursday
8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Boulevard of Heroes
- City Profile/History
- Community Development Block Grant
- Grants Planning Document
- Planning Department
- Measure Y at Work
- Event/Program Flyers
- Paramount Schools
- Paramount Education Partnership (PEP)
- Pride of Paramount
- Paramount Environment
- Public Art
- Pulse Beat
- Senior Services (old)
- Service Clubs
- Transit Services
- Volunteer
- Adaptive Recreation
- Facility Rentals
- Little Libraries
- Recreation Activities
- Senior Services (old)
- Sports (old)
- Star Program
- Summer Concert Series
- Aquatics (old)
- Mommy & Me and Daddy Too!
- Paramount Pathfinders
- Paramount Teen Leadership Alliance (PTLA)
- 1660 Adult Recreation Program
- Community Events
- Volunteering is Paramount (V.I.P)
- Youth Sport Leagues – Field Allocation
- WestCoast Rebels (WCR)
- Friday Night Paramount
- Special Events
- Summer Concert Series
Public Art
Outdoor Art Gallery
If you enjoy viewing interesting works of public art, take a tour of Paramount’s Outdoor Art Museum. There are dozens of sculptures located throughout the City that vary in style from abstract shapes to lifelike figures. Our fountains are included, too. Keep an eye out for all of them; you’ll like what you see.
Click here to view.
Paramount Paints
In 2020, the City of Paramount started Paramount Paints, a mural program designed to
continue and expand the City’s outdoor public art museum to produce a lively sense of joy and color for passersby.
Click here to view.