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AB 602

Assembly Bill 602 (AB 602) Compliance

Existing law requires that each public agency compile one list or more specifying the information required from any application for a development project. For purposes of this section, “development project” includes a housing development project as defined in paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 65905.5. 

AB 602 amends existing law to require cities to make all of the applicable information available on its website. This information now includes: 1) the current and five previous annual fee reports or the current and five previous annual financial reports; 2) an archive of impact fee nexus studies, cost of service studies, or equivalent, conducted by that city on or after January 1, 2018; and 3) A development proponent, upon issuance of a certificate of occupancy or the final inspection, whichever occurs last, must provide the city with the total amount of fees and exactions associated with the project for which the certificate was issued. Disclaimer: The City is not responsible for the accuracy for the information received and posted pursuant to subparagraph (A).

Planning Requirements

The information being provided is a general guide of our zoning requirements. For project specific requirements, please contact our Planning Department at planning@paramountcity.com or 562-220-2036.

Building and Safety Developers Fees

The information is a general guide to our permit fees. A building permit fee is based on the project valuation which is to be determined by the Building and Safety Division; while permit fees for all other trades are itemized and calculated as such. For project specific fees, please contact our Building and Safety Division by emailing planning@paramountcity.com or calling 562-220-2036.

Developers Fees

User Fee Studies

The City of Paramount engaged Revenue & Cost Specialist, LLC (RCS) to determine the full costs incurred by the City to support the various activities for which the City charges user fees. On November 12, 2024, The City Council adopted Public Hearing Resolution No. 24:040 (Establishing and Adopting the Master Fee Resolution Updating City Fees) for Development Application Processing Permits and Services and User Fees for Municipal Services. The resolution will become effective on January February 1, 2024.

2025 User Fees_Reso No. 24:040

Archived User Fee Studies

User Fee Study

Current Annual and Five Year Fee Reports

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